Lesson 1 – Introduction

Lesson Notes:

In this introductory lesson, Dr. John Lacourse will begin by delving into the main ideas behind ergonomics, why these evaluations are important, and who may benefit from them the most. He will begin by explaining the many different definitions of ergonomics, as well as its origin. He will go into the main causes of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s), the occupations that are at highest risk, and some of the typical losses a company will see when not implementing ergonomic evaluations. This lesson will be your first step into the practice and correct implementation of an ergonomic evaluation.

Lesson Materials & Course Work:

Before beginning this lesson, I would like you to ask yourself any 3 questions about ergonomics that you may be curious  about. It can span anywhere from best practice, and evaluation protocol to simply, who started the practice of ergonomics and why is it important? Hang on to these questions and try and answer them for yourself as you continue completing coursework. If any of your questions go unanswered by the end of the course, Dr. Lacourse will answer them!