Defined by the Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs as expressing or exchanging ideas by means of the spoken word to impart information to clients or to the public, and to convey detailed spoken instructions to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly. In Part A of “Selected Characteristics of Occupations Defined” in the revised Dictionary of Occupational Titles, the rating for the talking component appears second in the second set of physical demand ratings under the vertical heading “Ta.”
Defined by the Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs as distinguishing, with a degree of accuracy, differences or similarities in intensity or quality of flavors or odors, or recognizing particular flavors or odors, using tongue or nose. In Part A of “Selected Characteristics of Occupations Defined” in the revised Dictionary of Occupational Titles, the rating for the tasting/smelling component appears fourth in the second set of physical demand ratings under the vertical heading “TS.”