Education & Training Now On-line/On-Demand!

During our changing times Matheson has pivoted to offer some of our most highly acclaimed courses ON-Line /ON-Demand! Become certified in the comfort of your own home without travel worries and at your own pace!


Our Goal: To Make a Difference

Our team of experts—we think of them all as family—shares the belief that together, we can make a difference: for an injured worker who wants to return to the job, an employer who wants to reduce the costs of lost-time injuries, or a case manager who hopes for a successful case resolution. And we think the best way to make to accomplish that is to train therapists and safety professionals to be a cut above: to be what we call “thinking evaluators.” It’s a high standard, but we pursue it without compromise. We don’t know how to do it any other way!

As leaders in the field for over 55 years we want the best for our students and believe that comes from training with experts in the field. We do not depend on recipes or formulas to make decisions nor do we require thousands of dollars of equipment. Our requirement is that YOU come to training with a desire to think and be challenged and we will do the rest.

Elevate your professional skills, build your practice or product line and BECOME a leader too!

Experience the Matheson Difference where Experience is the Difference!

Education and Training Online

Prevention and Wellness

Prevention and Wellness is just one of the Training Tracks available under the Matheson umbrella of courses for health care and ancillary health professionals.


Capacity evaluation has grown internationally and is a versatile skill and service in various areas of Occupational Rehabilitation and will enhance your skills as an evaluator but as a clinician.

Return to Work

When work hardening and work conditioning performed at a high level with measurable results leads to case resolution helping those participating to move forward and reduce the cost of claims.

Mastery Series

Ready to build on university-level training?  Our lineup of specialized and advanced training offers the same unrivaled level of quality and support you may already have experienced in our introductory courses.


At Matheson we view certification and the associated designation as something to be earned through the development of skills and the mastery of processes and documentation.