Functional Capacity Evaluation Program
The Matheson FCE Certification Program takes place over 4 full days with 3 days of lecture combined with practice and documentation experience and culminates in students performing FCE’s in small groups with the clinical support of Internationally recognized instructors to help participants realize skills at a higher level.
The Matheson FCECP will teach participants how to be “Thinking Evaluators” using evaluation instruments that are peer reviewed and published, inexpensive, court tested, widely accepted in the field and backed by published and peer reviewed reliability and validity studies. Healthcare professionals in a variety of specialties are appropriate to train in FCE including but not limited to, Occupational and Physical Therapists and Assistants, Chiropractors, MD’s, RN’s, Athletic Trainers and Kinesiotherapists.
- Students will be trained to plan, administer, and report an individualized FCE that meets the reliability and validity requirements and high standards of the practice hierarchy of industrial rehabilitation.
- Students will replicate the FCE process via a hands-on case study practicum under the guidance of the instructor. Administration of the FCE protocol is followed by a write-up of test results. Presentation and critique of the FCE report completes the practicum day.
Our 40+year reputation in the industry has solidified our certifications as a designation of a highly skilled evaluators around the globe which is why we view certification and the associated designation as something to be earned through the development of skills and the mastery of processes and documentation. It is for this reason that Matheson does NOT designate individuals as certified just by attending a training course. The process of certification takes place following training with the completion of 10 assessments within a year from the training date. Extensions are available for those just getting started. Processes are discussed in training and available to Alumni on the website.
Learning Outcomes
Each of the twelve sections of the Matheson FCE Manual contain learning objectives as follows:
Chapter 1 – Introduction to FCE
1. Students will identify different types of FCE’s and how the Practice Hierarchy is used in the FCE process through classroom discussion and unit exercises.
Chapter 2 – FCE Preparation
1. Students will demonstrate comprehension of the FCE planning method through completion of Exercise #1 in the Documentation guide followed by instructor lead review and discussion.
Chapter 3 – Purpose of the FCE
1. Students will demonstrate their ability to determine the purpose of the FCE and the mechanisms to elicit this information through the FCE planning phase in preparation for FCE performance during the Practicum day.
Chapter 4 – Intake Interview
1. Students will identify key components of the intake interview process (to include the job demand and Functional Tolerance Interview) and perform an interview in small groups during this educational module. This will process will be planned and repeated as part of the FCE Plan during the FCE Practicum day.
Chapter 5 – Reliability of Pain and Disability Reports
1. Students will list 5 tests and tools used for RPDR testing, and will demonstrate administration during small group case study work during this teaching module. Additional assessment of their understanding and competence will take place during the FCE Practicum day.
Chapter 6 – Physical Effort
1. Students will list 5 tests and tools used for PE testing, and will demonstrate administration during small group case study work during this teaching module. Additional assessment of their understanding and competence will take place during the FCE Practicum day.
Chapter 7 – Musculo-skeletal Screening
1. Students will list contraindications for FCE testing and important MSS components for inclusion in the FCE during small group exercise and classroom discussion. Evidence of understanding of this concept is further supported in the FCE practicum planning and FCE performance on Practicum day.
Chapter 8 – Dexterity Testing
1. Students will administer dexterity tests using the appropriate protocol manual during the Dexterity Testing lab. The student will perform, analyze and score the dexterity tests performed during the FCE practicum on Practicum day.
Chapter 9 – Mobility Testing
1. Students will identify and perform a mobility test on a group member during the lecture module. The FCE plan for practicum day will include identification and administration of an appropriate test consistent with the goal of their case study
Chapter 10 – MET testing
1. Students will demonstrate their understanding of MET test administraton during the MET Testing lab. These skills are further supported in the FCE practicum planning and the FCE performance on Practicum day.
Chapter 11 – Material Handling
1. Students will correctly identify each of the 3 lift tests presented in the lecture module for material handling. This identification will be assessed through the critique of the students FCE plan related to their case study for the FCE Practicum day.
Chapter 12 – Work Simulation –
1. Students will develop a work simulation circuit consistent with the identified goals of their treatment plan for FCE case study. The work simulation circuit will be reviewed by the instructor and observed during the FCE practicum day.
Attainment of outcomes is assessed throughout the five-day course via participant instructor interaction, individual design of a comprehensive testing protocol based on a case study, participation in a full-day practicum, and group presentation on the final day of the program.
In order to enhance the learning experience, these learning tools will be used in the curriculum:
Case Study Practicum
Beginning on the first day of instruction, two case studies will be used to walk through the process of planning and administering a low-back focused evaluation and an upper extremity evaluation. At each step of the learning process decision making, data collection, interpretation and report writing will be emphasized.
Online Video
To reinforce the methodology and techniques learned throughout the course, video of the entire functional capacity evaluation process will be available through the Matheson web site. Students may visit the site to review evaluation tests and techniques at their own pace.
Report Template
In a further effort to support graduates, an FCE report template will be distributed to course participants.
Course Approvals
AOTA CEU’s awarded based upon completion of the course in its entirety.
Matheson Education and Training Solutions is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers.
Cancellation Policy
Matheson Education and Training Solutions LLC
166 South River Road Suite 240
Bedford, NH 03110
Phone: 1-800-443-7690 (Toll Free)
603-358-6525 (Int’l)
Fax: 603-358-0116