Overview of Matheson CFC / LCP Certification Programs

Congratulations on choosing to pursue certification in this highly skilled specialty area of Forensic Medicine. By committing to the CFC / LCP training and applying for the CFC / LCP Certification designation you are taking the next step in being regarded as a qualified practitioner in this rapidly growing specialty.

Matheson has a long standing certification history and is one of the most highly regarded professional certification programs in Industrial/Occupational Rehabilitation and Forensic Medicine. The Matheson brand is recognized worldwide for its comprehensive high quality training which makes Matheson certifications a frequently requested designation by referral sources.

As a highly sought after designation the standards set are of the highest level to assure your certification is meaningful. This is why you are not certified simply by viewing the webinars and attending the CFC/LCP in-person course. The CFC/LCP certification process is meant to contribute to your learning experience and assist you in improving your work product, enhancing your skills and growing your reputation and practice to the next level.

There are TWO levels of Certification as follows:

  • Certified CFC / LCP (Lessons 1-3 with demonstrated completion of all homework assignments + In-Person Course (Lesson 4) + Certification). This is recommended for clinician’s preparing CFC and LCP Reports for clients with soft-tissue injuries, orthopaedic injuries and pain-related disorders.
  • Certified CFC / LCP (Advanced) (Lessons 1-3 + with demonstrated completion of all homework assignments + In-Person Course (Lesson 4) + Lesson 5 + Certification). This is recommended for clinician’s preparing CFC and LCP Reports for clients with more complex or catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, complex neurological injury, amputation, complex pain and mental health diagnoses.

To be eligible for CFC/LCP Certification (Certified Cost of Future Care Evaluator /Life Care Planner) the candidate must:
1. Be a current practicing and registered:

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Rehabilitation Nurse
  • Vocational Counselor
  • Other disciplines will be considered based on professional suitability and experience.

Kinesiologists do not meet the foundational educational requirements for the Advanced CFC/LCP Certification Program.

Kinesiologists meeting the following criteria will be considered for admission to the program (pending CV review) and eligibility to apply for Certification:

  • Has been practicing as a Kinesiologist for 5 years.
  • Has completed additional industry-recognized training/education relating to disability and functional assessment; and has practical experience conducting functional assessment.
  • Has 2 years of experience working with people with disabilities in an accredited health care setting (not including exercise based activation programs).

Experience the Matheson Difference where Experience is the Difference!

Education and Training Online

Prevention and Wellness

Prevention and Wellness is just one of the Training Tracks available under the Matheson umbrella of courses for health care and ancillary health professionals.


Capacity evaluation has grown internationally and is a versatile skill and service in various areas of Occupational Rehabilitation and will enhance your skills as an evaluator but as a clinician.

Return to Work

When work hardening and work conditioning performed at a high level with measurable results leads to case resolution helping those participating to move forward and reduce the cost of claims.

Mastery Series

Ready to build on university-level training?  Our lineup of specialized and advanced training offers the same unrivaled level of quality and support you may already have experienced in our introductory courses.


At Matheson we view certification and the associated designation as something to be earned through the development of skills and the mastery of processes and documentation.