CWCE Policies and Procedures

Experience the Matheson Difference!

Recertification Candidates ONLY
Effective Date September 1, 2017

1. To be eligible for recertification as a Certified Work Capacity Evaluator (CWCE) the candidate must have a current CWCE certificate (not expired). If your certification has expired, please contact directly.

  • If your certification expires between July 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 you have until December 31, 2017 to complete the process of sending in your completed package to have it reviewed by the committee.
  • If your certification expires after December 31, 2017 you must complete the application process before your certification expires. It typically takes 3 months for an application for recertification to be processed; be sure to complete the recertification process prior to the expiration date on your certificate.

2. To apply for recertification, complete the on-line recertification application.

  • Go to and log in to the Alumni tab. If this is your first visit to this section of the website you will need to create a user name and password in order to log in to the available resources.
  • If you have difficulty with this process please email for additional assistance.

3. The Recertification Application Package consists of the following items:

  • Recertification Application Form
  • A Statement of Professional Practice
  • Professional Experience Form
  • Continuing Education form (see #4 below for details)
  • A list of 10 FCE’s you have performed
  • Application checklist –confirming all required components are present
  • Complete the Report Submission Form listing (10) evaluations performed AFTER the FCECP training. Please be sure the 10 reports you list are reflective of your best work.

    Pay the $250 fee via credit card or send check to:

    Matheson Education and Training Solutions
    166 South River Road; Suite 240
    Bedford, NH 03110

The recertification process no longer requires you to return and attend the FCECP course to refresh. It does however; require the documentation and submission of continuing education records related to this specialty field.

  • The continuing education requirement is 8 hours per year during the 3 year certification period.
  • Courses related to the clinical specialty of occupational rehabilitation, ergonomics, functional capacity evaluation, post offer testing and other related areas will be accepted. These do not have to exclusively be Matheson training courses. These courses do not need to be performed in EACH year certified but must reflect the cumulative total required for re-certification. See the continuing education log sheet on the web site link for recertification.

5. Complete the online CWCE Recertification Application and upload the required documents.

6. The certification administration staff will notify you when all of your materials have been received. This notice will be in the form of an email identifying which reports the Matheson Certification Committee has chosen to review.

7. Prepare the 2 requested reports by removing any names which may compromise the privacy of the person evaluated. (This can be done in Microsoft Word by using the “Find and Replace” feature or by blacking out any identifying information.)

8. Include the associated test forms or score sheets that reflect the raw data of the two evaluations being judged.

9. It is required that the applicant be the person responsible for the preponderance of the evaluation. Any sections not performed by the CWCE recertification candidate should be identified as such in the margin of the report or via an attachment to the document.

10. Email the reports and a scan of the raw data to Once the reports have been received the applicant will receive a confirmation email from the Matheson Certification Committee.

11. The applicant will be notified as to Pass/Fail status within 12 weeks of submission.

Upon completion of the critique the candidate will be classified as having passed or failed the recertification process.

1. The successful candidate will receive an email from the Matheson Certification Committee with a critique of the applicant’s work. A formal certificate will be mailed to the applicant. Certification is good for a period of 3 years from the date on the CWCE certificate.

2. The unsuccessful candidate will receive an email from the Matheson Certification Committee with a critique indicating areas identified for improvement. As it is our goal to assist you to become certified the critique should be used as an action plan. Please review the items that need improvement and work to include the feedback in your clinical practice.

3. The unsuccessful candidate for recertification will have the opportunity to submit a second report which demonstrates the feedback provided by the committee has been incorporated into the evaluator’s clinical practice. There may also be a requirement to refresh through online modules prior to a second submission.

  • The unsuccessful candidate has 60 days from the date of the email notification to submit a NEW report which addresses the areas in the critique and/or complete the on-line refresher modules. Please NOTE Submission of a modified version of the original report will be an automatic failure. The new report should be emailed to
  • Should a candidate be unsuccessful a second time, additional training and a fee of $100 will be required.

Please review the above carefully and send any questions via email to

Experience the Matheson Difference where Experience is the Difference!

Education and Training Online

Prevention and Wellness

Prevention and Wellness is just one of the Training Tracks available under the Matheson umbrella of courses for health care and ancillary health professionals.


Capacity evaluation has grown internationally and is a versatile skill and service in various areas of Occupational Rehabilitation and will enhance your skills as an evaluator but as a clinician.

Return to Work

When work hardening and work conditioning performed at a high level with measurable results leads to case resolution helping those participating to move forward and reduce the cost of claims.

Mastery Series

Ready to build on university-level training?  Our lineup of specialized and advanced training offers the same unrivaled level of quality and support you may already have experienced in our introductory courses.


At Matheson we view certification and the associated designation as something to be earned through the development of skills and the mastery of processes and documentation.