1. Review webinar Lessons 1, 2, and 3 and successfully complete all homework assignments (including revisions/re-submissions if requested).
2. Attend and complete CFC/LCP 2 day in-person course (Lesson 4)
3. Perform a minimum of 10 Cost of Future Care / Life Care Plan reports within 2 years following your training. If you are unable to meet this time frame please email the Matheson Certification Committee at CFCLCP@roymatheson.com.
4. Complete the Documentation Self–Assessment form on each of the 10 reports you intend to list on the form. This form is available on the website under the Alumni tab.
5. Go to www.roymatheson.com and log in under the Alumni tab. If this is your first visit to the site since taking the training you will need to create a user name and password.
6. Go to the Certification link.
Complete the online certification application and associated forms within 2 years of completing the CFC/LCP In-Person training (Lesson 4). If you are beyond this time frame please email complete the Request for Extension form under the CFC/LCP tab and/or email CFCLCP@roymatheson.com. with questions.
7. The Application Package consists of the following items:
- Certification Application Form
- Professional Experience Form
- Statement of Professional Practice
- Application checklist –confirming all required components are present
- Complete the Report Submission Form listing (10) evaluations performed AFTER the CFC/LCP training.
Please be sure the 10 reports you list are reflective of your best work and are relevant to the certification you are applying for. If you are applying for CFC/LCP Certification the reports should relate to client’s with soft tissue injuries, orthopaedic injuries or pain-related issues. If you are applying for CFC/LCP Advanced Certification the reports should relate to clients with catastrophic or complex injuries or diagnoses as listed above.
Pay the $250.00 USD fee via credit card or send check to:
Matheson Education and Training Solutions
166 South River Rd., Suite 240
Bedford, NH 03110
8. Upon completion of steps 1-7 you will be notified via email which reports the Matheson Certification Committee has chosen to review.
9. Prepare the 2 requested reports by making them anonymous removing any names or identifying information which may compromise privacy. This can be done in WORD via Find and Replace or by blacking out any identifying information. Raw data (i.e. associated test forms or score sheets) must accompany the reports. It is required that the applicant be the person responsible for the preponderance of the evaluation. Any sections not performed by the Candidate should be identified as such in the margin of the report or via an attachment to the document.
10. Upload reports to CFCLCP@roymatheson.com.
11. Once the reports have been received the applicant will receive a confirmation email from the Matheson Certification Committee.
12. The applicant will be notified as to Pass/Fail status within 12 weeks of submission.
Report Criteria For Certification
CFC/LCP reports will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
1. Purpose of Referral: The purpose of the assessment and related referral questions are clearly outlined and answered.
2. Organization and Detail: The report and contents is presented in an organized logical order with appropriate detail regarding history, clinical presentation and factual assumptions.
3. Methodology: The candidate demonstrates appropriate analysis of effort and reliability of pain and disability reports, appropriate test selection, relevant functional testing, home review, and collateral interview, if relevant.
4. Clinical Reasoning: The candidate demonstrates evidence of clinical reasoning and appropriate test interpretation (i.e. clinical opinion is supported by test data presented and the medical documentation referenced).
5. Conclusions and Recommendations: The candidates’ recommendations are directly or indirectly (i.e. with evidentiary link) related to a medical opinion and functional opinion with consideration of pre-accident medical and functional history, if relevant, pre-accident roles, responsibilities, and participation levels, and prognosis.
6. Scope of Practice: The candidate demonstrates use of clinical measures and assessments, clinical opinion and recommendations within their scope of clinical practice.
Pass/Fail Policy
Upon completion of the critique the candidate will be classified as passing or failing.
A. PASSING – candidates will receive the following:
- An email from the Matheson Certification Committee with your critique form. Your official certificate will be mailed to you.
- Certification is valid for a period of 3 years from the date on the CCFC/LCP certificate. See Re-Certification for additional details on this process.
B. FAILING – candidates will receive the following:
- An email from the Matheson Certification Committee with your critique form indicating areas identified for improvement. As it is our goal to assist you to become certified the critique should be used as an action plan.
- Please review the items that need improvement and work to include the feedback in your clinical practice.
- You have 12 weeks from the date of the email to submit a NEW report which addresses the areas in the critique. Submission of a modified version of the original report will be an automatic failure.
- The new report should be emailed to CFCLCP@roymatheson.com.
- There is no additional fee for the 2nd attempt to pass the certification, However, should the candidate fail on the 2nd attempt there will be an additional $100 fee for each critique required to pass the certification process. The committee may make recommendations for the candidate to take an on line refresher course, audit the CFC/LCP training or take additional on-line training modules to go further in the process.